Blog > 5 Principles of Success For Custom Software and Apps

The idea of developing custom software or apps can be thrilling, but this whole excitement can go with the wind if your expectations are not meant. Especially as regards the end-users opinion of your custom software or applications.
Therefore, ensuring the success of your custom apps is a serious task that deserves full attention, compliance with key principles, and vast expertise in case of development of large-size software.
Identifying and applying these principles of success for custom software and apps will multiply your chances of obtaining good results.
If the thought of succeeding is pleasant to you, then you are on the right track. This is because by reading this article, you will be equipped with 5 Principles of success for custom software and app to apply in order to be successful in developing custom software or apps.
1. Identify with Clarity, the Purpose and Value of the Custom Software before Embarking on Development.
There are tons of existing custom software. Before beginning to develop another one, you must be sure that it will be valuable and would serve a unique purpose.
Developing custom software requires the usage of resources, and it will be a bad investment with a dissatisfactory ROI if the custom software does not solve problems, improve the user’s experience, or add notable value to end-users.
Candidly, it is the purpose of custom software or applications that makes them stand out or be user-friendly. Without a notable objective, abort developing custom software or applications.
2. Availability of funding.
You don’t want to start a project then shut it abruptly due to funding. Therefore, before development even proceeds to ensure the availability of the funds required by your budget.
If you are unable to fund the development of your valuable custom software or applications, getting investors is a great idea.
As long as the idea behind your planned custom software or apps is innovative, with a good pitch you can get investors.
People are willing to invest, but you must prove to them that investing in your ideas will yield satisfactory returns.
3. Pick the Right Development Company.
Your chosen development team will be responsible for turning your brilliant idea into actual software or application, therefore choose rightly.
The right development team must have;
- Experience skilled members.
- Know the targeted market insights
- Ability to plan insightfully.
- Work with a budget.
- Conduct regular testing.
- Limit bugs to the minimum.
- Create exceptional UI/UX designs.
- Avoid project delay.
Software development is a complex venture, you need the right team to handle your project to obtain success.
4. Minimum Viable Product.
Eric Ries in his Lean Startup Methodology introduced the idea of a Minimum Viable Product. An MVP is the edition of a newly developed software that has limited features but is functional.
This is a smart way to test if your custom software or applications will thrive in the market or not, before committing significant resources and incurring losses.
MVP also gives you an insight of features to add, or remove. It is a great means of gathering feedback from users and noting how to proceed with developing the full edition.
Also, using MVP you are more likely to get investors to invest in your planned custom software.
5. It Must be User Friendly.
An application or software is developed to be used by end-users. This purpose is defeated if the software cannot easily be used by users.
Therefore, to have successful software or applications invest heavily in UI/UX designs. A good software or application should be easy to use and must be virtually attractive.
Final Thoughts
If waste of valuable resources was a set of pictures, they would bear the faces of those that embarked on the development of custom software or apps without obtaining success. This is the harsh reality because custom software is resource-consuming.
Custom and application development is complex, and care must be taken to make it worthwhile. These five principles of Success for custom software and apps will help you attain the desired success.
Author: SVCIT Editorial
Copyright Silicon Valley Cloud IT, LLC.