Blog > Amazon HoneyCode Revolution for Business

Business teams have to manage their work, data to report, and goals to crush on a daily basis. But whether it’s managing a project or tracking customers, the traditional general enterprise software that was not built for your business needs can cause issues to manage specific business needs. For example, many people using spreadsheets to manage their data, but spreadsheets are not designed to adapt to a business. Spreadsheets are not great for syncing data across the team. Sometimes people use project management tools, but they are hardly customizable as everyday business changes.
Amazon Honeycode provides applications that are designed specifically for your team’s business needs. AWS Honeycode technology gives you the power to create a specific business application according to business needs. With AWS Honeycode, a user can quickly build custom business apps that help a business team to manage their work without programming. It is a fully managed service that quickly builds powerful mobile and web applications without coding. With AWS Honeycode, users can use a spreadsheet interface along with a visual application builder to create basic apps.
Dynamic Features with Privacy
A user could run a budget approval process where approvers review requests made through an app. When requests have been approved, a team can see the live updates in the application, and each person only sees data they are authorized to see. AWS Honeycode allows building an app for personal use and business teams with a visual editor.
Building Process to Build an Application with Amazon HoneyCode
Set up your business data in a table to manage the database.
- Build the app’s layout
- Add content
- Link data from the tables
- Set personalization, so each user sees data they need to see.
- Set automated actions that run whenever conditions are met, such as when data is updated
- And share the app with your team so everyone can work together
How Amazon HoneyCode makes you a Smart Businessman
Amazon HoneyCode allows us to build applications for scenarios such as:
- Customer Tracking
- Resource Tracking
- Operations Monitoring
- Approval Processes
- Project Management
Launch a Cost-Effective Application with Amazon HoneyCode
With Amazon, Honeycode, users can get started creating applications in minutes. It also allows building applications with up to 20 users for free. The user only pays for the number of users and amount of data used for larger applications. It also reduces the developer’s cost with its no coding interface; even a non-technical person can build an application according to their needs.
Limitations for Security
It allows its users to add a lot of intelligence to spreadsheets.
It also allows setting limitations for logging access, data access, etc.
Users need to update their application, and the updated data is shared across the team members automatically. The users can use a spreadsheet interface along with a visual application builder to create applications. Users can build their applications for scenarios such as:
- Customers Tracing
- Resource Tracking
- Operations Monitoring
- Approval Processes
- Project Management
AWS HoneyCode provides highly responsive and compatible applications for different screen sizes such as laptops, mobile view, and large screens, etc., with a user-friendly interface.
Automate Manual Setup
AWS HoneyCode helps automate manual steps such as a user can define rules, and based on the prescribed rules, events will happen.
Author: SVCIT Editorial
Copyright Silicon Valley Cloud IT, LLC.