Blog > Custom API Integration in Slack

What is Slack?
Slack is a new layer of technology that brings together people, applications, and data. It is replacing email around the world. Slack turn the email into messages, and rather than inboxes, slack organize those message’s inboxes in channels. Those channels correspond to projects, teams, planning, office locations, and business units. A user can add the whole project’s team in the channel and anytime anyone on the team has an update at the same time and share information. Anyone can ask questions or share documents. Slack makes communication and collaboration better and easier.
Custom Integration for Slack
Custom API integration in Slack is a type of application users can build and use on a single Slack team. The great thing about custom integration is that it provides a unique set of tools and an own workflow. Custom API integration allows us to customize notifications using webhooks.
What are Webhooks?
Webhooks are a simple direct, and secure method to send information from one application to another. A web app communicates one way. It immediately triggered what a defined action is taken; custom API with webhooks makes a web application more dynamic and flexible to notify other applications and communicate with other applications.
Imagine a business organization onboarding a new client if a business company using Slack for internal communication. Instead of asking people to check back the platform, Users can use webhooks to establish a connect from their application to slack. When sales mark a client onboarding checklist, the webhook automatically sends an alert notification to the Slack channel. And account management follows up appropriately; it is almost like magic.
Slack and GitHub Integration
Users will get a notification on Slack when someone forks or stars their GitHub repository with Custom API integration and webhooks. It will provide information along with the sender/receiver name, repository link, and information. This scenario requires a webhook, a stateless server with configuration, and an incoming webhook in Slack.
Slack API to Post Messages to Channel
Common Use Case
A company might have computed resources where they want to watch the CPU and memory usage. If the CPU goes above, for instance, then they can send a message to a dedicated slack channel automatically using python webhooks.
Slack Custom Report Bot
Suppose a slack user wants to report errors or build personal analytics, or start custom passing different data types and information to a particular slack channel. In that case, they can use custom API webhooks. Whenever an error occurs, or someone uses their data from their particular web application, they will notify on the personal slack channel. Users can also connect their slack channel with their websites.
Security and Compliance with Custom APIs
If a company needs a compliant solution, the great solution is to move up to the enterprise grid. It helps identify, collect, and store any data in Slack and prevent sensitive data loss using Custom API Integration. It is possible to create APIs that can allow the administrators within a slack organization to discover and secure any of the data in a slack org. This includes public channels, direct messages, private channels, and even files uploaded to slack.
Connect Multiple Tools using Custom API Integration
Many organizations facing this difficulty to manage their clients on different types of platforms that are not easy to manage. They need to handle many tools to communicate with all clients and share work-related information on all different tools one by one; it is a time consuming and costly process.
It is possible to manage clients with different types of tools such as WebEx, MS teams, Zoom etc. by using one Slack channel with Custom API Integration. Custom API Integration makes it possible to communicate directly with a person using Slack with another person using MS teams.
Author: SVCIT Editorial
Copyright Silicon Valley Cloud IT, LLC.