Introduction to AWS vs. Azure vs. GCP

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AWS vs. Azure vs. GCP

Here we are going to discuss AWS vs. Azure vs. GCP. How are these three cloud services different, and what factors do we need to focus on while comparing Amazon web services, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform?

AWS vs. Azure vs. GCP

Amazon Web Services

AWS is the oldest and the most experienced player in the market, as it was established at the beginning of 2006. AWS has an extensive list of computing services with deployment functions, mobile networking, databases, storage, security, etc.

Microsoft Azure

Azure was presented in February 2010, and since then, it has shown great promise among its rivals. This platform can easily be associated with AWS and provide their customers with a full set of services in compute, storage, database, networking, and many more.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) began its journey on October 6, 2011, and by this time, they have managed to create a good presence in the industry. Initially, the push was to strengthen their services, such as Google, YouTube, and Enterprise services.

Availability Zones

Availability zones are the isolated locations within data center regions from which public cloud services originate and operate. The regions are geographic locations in the data centers of public cloud service providers. Businesses using the cloud choose multiple worldwide availability zones for their services depending on their business needs as companies select the availability zones for various reasons, including compliance and provide proximities to end customers. The cloud administrator can also choose to replicate service across multiple availability zones to decrease latency and protect their resources.

Admins can move resources to another availability zone in the event of a blackout.

Companies Using AWS

  • Netflix
  • Airbnb
  • Unilever
  • BMW
  • Samsung
  • MI
  • Zynga

Companies Using Azure

  • Johnson Controls
  • Polycom
  • Adobe
  • HP
  • Fujifilm
  • Honeywell

Companies Using GCP

  • HSBC
  • PayPal
  • 20th Century Fox
  • Bloomberg
  • Target
  • Dominos


  • Compute
  • Database
  • Storage
  • Troubleshooting
  • Monitoring

AWS covers 200+ services, Azure covers 100+, whereas Google Cloud has been catching up with it, with several 60+ services.

Primary Services of AWS Vs. Azure Vs. GCP

  • In the compute domain, the primary service offered by AWS is EC2.
  • The primary service offered by Azure is its virtual machine.
  • Google offers the Cloud engine.

All these three services also help users launch an instance on the cloud, like running a virtual machine or an operating system without an on-premise infrastructure.

  • The one significant difference is launching an instance; if the user tries to launch an instance in three of them, AWS will take around a minute to launch an instance. In the case of Azure, it takes more time to do so. In the case of Google Cloud Platform, it takes seconds to launch an instance.
  • The primary database service provided by AWS is RDS, the relational database service where the database like MySQL, MariaDB, and Oracle can be managed automatically, like backups, security patches, and updates are done automatically by RDS.
  • In the case of Azure, there is a primary service called SQL Database service. It does not allow anyone to choose any database like MariaDB, Oracle, and database. The user can only choose the SQL database.
  • GCP has the service named SQL database. GCP is also not allowing any other database apart from My SQL database.


Amazon Web Service Downtime: Hence, having a mature infrastructure, the maximum downtime faced by AWS in 2014 was of 2 hours and 69 minutes.

Microsoft Azure: Azure faced a huge downtime of 39 hours and 77 minutes in 2014.

Google Cloud Platform: GCP faced a downtime of only 14 minutes in 2014.

Author: SVCIT Editorial Copyright

Silicon Valley Cloud IT, LLC.

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